The Amory School District will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to the threat of inclement weather.

Brian Jones, Superintendent of Amory School District, presents Chad Williams, Athletic Director, a clock for his selection as MAAA 1A/2A/3A/4A Athletic Director of the Year for 2024-2025.

Amory High School Football
Round 2 Playoffs
at Louisville HIgh School
Friday, November 15th - 7:00 pm
Tickets $10 available on GOFAN
There is a CLEAR BAG Policy w/Louisville High School Athletics

Amory Football is BACK. Please see map for parking and information for the upcoming August 30th game with Pontotoc. Gates open at 6:00 pm. Game time is 7:00 pm.
Panther PROUD

The gates will open at 6:00 pm on Friday, August 30th for the AHS Football game with Pontotoc. Game time is 7:00 pm.

If your child qualified for Free or Reduced last school year and you have not reapplied for the 24-25 school year, that temporary status will expire on SEPTEMBER 3RD. Apply online:

West Amory Elementary Make-up Registration Information

Amory Registration for the 2024-25 School Year for the following:
West Amory Elementary School

Amory Registration for 2024-25 School Year for the following:
East Amory Elementary School
Amory Middle School
Amory High School

Amory School District Retirement Reception - Wednesday, May 22nd at 1:30 pm located in the ACTC Culinary Arts Dining Room.
2023-24 Retirees - Steve Stockton, Tina Evans, Kym Buskirk, Kim Goldman and Leslie Valsamakis

English Learner Teacher Position

On Friday, November 10th Amory School District will have early dismissal. Early release times are: WAES 1:45 - EAES 1:55 - AMS 1:50 - AHS 2:00

Amory High School Football
4A-Playoff Rd 1
Kickoff 7:00 pm
@ Tupelo High School Field
GATES OPEN @ 6:00 pm
Tickets on GoFan

Early Release for Thursday, September 28th. All school will be releasing at the following times:
West Amory 2:00 pm; East Amory 2:10 pm, Amory Middle 2:05 and Amory High 2:15.

Amory SD Central Office Staff are PANTHER PROUD to wear Reed's T-shirts. Thank you all for the hospitality and support. #gameday #tupelotakeover #riseabove #amoryfootball

Updated Information

Important Information for Unregistered Amory School District Students

This is the ASD Project Update as of 7-24-23.

Times and Locations
AHS - July 20, 2023 - Times: 7 am - 9am or 11 am - 1 pm or 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
AMS - July 20, 2023 - Time: 8 am - 3 pm AND July 21, 2023 - Time: 8 am - 12 pm
EAES - July 25, 2023 - Time - TBA
WAES - July 10, 2023 - Time: 8 am - 2 pm

MHSAA 3A State Championship