Lady Panther Volleyball is playing in the Oxford Tournament today! Go Panthers! Panther Magic!!

We hope everyone has an AWESOME DAY!

Please join us this afternoon to meet your teachers!

We LOVE our new door graphics!!! Thank you to the Connor’s at The Graduation Place!! #theAMORYway

Way to go AHS Band!!! Great job at Band Camp!

9th grade students that have completed registration but unable to attend Orientation will have his/her schedule released on Friday.

AHS Football Camp

Schedules should be released sometime next week. You will not be able to get your schedule unless you are registered.

Good Morning! Hope everyone has a great day! Don't forget about registration!

Check out the new dress code changes for AHS for the 2022-2023 school year!

Thank you to these AHS Football players for volunteering to help out hanging new dry-erase boards at the school! Y’all are awesome! #❤️mypanthers

2022-2023 Amory High School Registration

We enjoyed getting to hear several wonderful educators speak at the Model Schools Conference 2022! @lmsprincipalatkinson

We're celebrating Panther Pride day at Amory High School!

Position Announcement SCHOOL NURSE Must be licensed to practice as a Registered Nurse (RN) Mail application and/or resume to: Mrs. Andrea Stevens Amory SD P.O. Box 330 Amory, MS 38821 Email: astevens@amoryschools.com The Amory School District is an equal opportunity employer.

Amory School District recruiting teachers at Ole Miss Teacher Recruitment.

Due to the increasing threat of inclement weather at normal dismissal time, Amory Schools will be operating on our 60% schedule.

Amory schools are planning on a full day tomorrow, but make arrangements in case of an early release due to weather.

Congratulations to @amory_middle and @AmoryHighSchool for receiving the @prepsInc value added award. The Value Added Awards recognizes schools that have exhibited exemplary growth.