Biology students in Mrs. Garrett's classes were working in the lab today on proving their hypotheses

Seniors in CCR are conducting virtual college and career campus visits and looking at various colleges and work options for next year.

Students in Mrs. Black's - Physics I class are working on designing and constructing boats to keep their keys from sinking!
#riseabove #pantherpride

Algebra I students are actively engaged with algebraic and verbal expression go fish! Love listening to the student conversations defending his/her reasoning! #Pantherpride #riseabove

Financial Fridays are a HUGE hit with our seniors in SREB Math as they create and work with budgets for a college student! #Realworldmath #panthermagic

Students in Mrs. Dampeer's Athletic Training classes learned about bone fractures this week. They practiced splinting and used carrots and celery to represent the types of bone fractures that they learned about.

Students in Mrs. Garrett's Biology class are checking off on correctly using the microscopes!

AHS Volleyball at Smithville- A special thank you to Smithville for supporting our school and allowing us to also play our home matches at their facility! They even have our senior banners hung!

So proud of the sportsmanship and work ethic shown by the AHS volleyball team today at New Albany. Great job Lady Panthers!

Welcome Mr. Comer!

Room to Room "School Spirit Days", this is greatly appreciated!

Welcome, Ms. Eubank!

Welcome, Coach Rosenthal!

Super proud of AHS for receiving the MHSAA District I Sportsmanship Award after being nominated by other districts! #sportsmanship #panthermagic

Welcome, Mrs. Walters!

Welcome, Mrs. Carlisle!

Important Registration Information

Emily wasn't able to make it to Graduation last night so we brought Graduation to her! So proud of all of our graduates! #panthermagic

We are so excited for our seniors to graduate. Please use this guide to help stream line parking.
Where: Davis Event Center - Itawamba Community College
When: May 23 @ 7:00 pm (Doors open @ 6:00 pm)

Panther Magic!